Saturday, July 24, 2010

Redang Island's.

Redang island

White sandy beaches, crystal clear blue sea, brilliant underwater world... Redang archipelago comprises 9 islands (Lima Island, Paku Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga Kecil Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island, Pinang Island and the main Redang Island) that abound with marvelous marine fishes, turtles and coral reefs that ensure great snorkelling and scuba-diving. 

 Redang is just like the Perhentian a Marine Park. It's located 45 km off the coast of KualaTerengganu is the largest of the group of islands dotting the South China Sea off the Terengganu coast. The island offers crystal clear waters and numerous dive sites for the enthusiast. Sheltered within the Pulau Redang Marine Park, the waters here abound with marine life. 


Redang Archipelago exists of  9 islands that abound with marvelous marine fishes, turtles and coral reefs that ensure great snorkeling and scuba-diving.

The boat trip starts from the fishing village of Merang. This is a fishing village North of Kuala Terengganu. You can get there by bus. The boat trip takes about 40 minutes. Most of the boats depart for Redang and return before noon. Each resort has its own boat transfer schedule. This may change and is dependent on the tide, sea and weather conditions.

The best time to visit Redang is between April and October. Take note that most resorts are closed during the North-east Monsoon, which blows from November to March.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pulau Tenggol is one of the most beautiful islands in east cost of Malaysia; know for its perfect waters warmed by South China Sea. The small and compact island of Pulau Tenggol is a forgotten gem set in the clear blue waters of the South China Sea - an emerald of deep, green forested interior flanked by white powder beaches and beautiful reefs. This natural island with beaches saturated with pristine warm water is a divers' and snorkels' paradise.

At Pulau Tenggol, divers and Snorkellers alike can find pristine coral formations and a number of submerged rocks with excellent coral growths. Tenggol and its surrounding islands offer good visibility with teeming of marine life, including sharks, rays, nudibranch and a wide variety of hard and soft corals.

Pulau Tenggol temperatures rage from breezy 320C in the day to cool 250C at night. 
The Tenggol group of islands is the most southernly of Terengganu's Marine Parks. It consists of Pulau Tenggol (Tenggol Island), Pulau Nyireh, Tokong Timur, Tokong Burung and Tokong Talang/Tokong Kemudi, Tokong Laut.
Cited as “The Best Diving in Peninsular Malaysia” Asian Diver Magazine 2002 Annual Edition.

Pulau Tenggol lies 14 nautical miles (26 km) off the coast of quiet fishing town of Kuala Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia. This rocky island about 50 hectares in size, spans less than 3 kilometres in length and 2 kilometres at its widest point, is one of the most beautiful and serene islands off Peninsular Malaysia's east coast, with spectacular rocky cliffs that offer many excellent dive sites. One of the island’s attractions is that it is close to its original state. A virgin island with its white sandy beaches backed by steeply forested cliffs is a pleasant retreat away from the city. Activities range from snorkelling, scuba diving, jungle trekking or just basking under the sun on the white sandy beach.

At Pulau Tenggol, divers and Snorkellers alike can find pristine coral formations and a number of submerged rocks with excellent coral growths. Tenggol and its surrounding islands offer good visibility with teeming of marine life, including sharks, rays, nudibranch and a wide variety of hard and soft corals. Divers will discover that Tenggol offers great diving experiences, ranging from deep diving, drift diving and wreck dive for the advanced divers or experienced divers. The fantastic shallow dives are great for the least experienced divers or just for the experienced to off gas.

Tenggol Island temperatures rage from breezy 320C in the day to cool 250C at night.
The island was traditionally uninhabited, but now contains resorts. Vietnamese boat people were known to have been stranded on the island as an aftermath of the Vietnam War.
There are currently 3 resort operators at Pulau Tenggol, Tenggol Island Beach Resort , Tenggol Resort and Aquar Tenggol Resort.

Batu berbentuk penyu di atas Bukit Cik Hawa.

Lagenda Batu penyu, benar ataupun hanya sekadar mitos, batu penyu mempunyai identitinya yang tersendiri sejarah yang terbina di batu penyu ini, menjurus kepada zaman kegemilangan Rantau Abang

Di sinilah dulu kehebatan telur penyu manjadi sebutan, riuh pikuk dengan kedatangan pelancong meyaksikan penyu bertelur. Batu penyu mempunyai sejarah yang tersendiri, merujuk kepada cerita orang dulu-dulu tentang kejadian batu  penyu, " datangnya 2 ekor penyu ke pantai terenggaanu (Rantau Abang), berkatalah si penyu betina kepada penyu jantan, " abang, dimanakah gerangannya pantai ini sungguh cantik sekali", jawab si penyu jantan " tidak aku tahu".

Tidak disedari oleh 2 ekor penyu tersebut, adanya seekor ikan buntal, berhampiran dengan  mereka berkatalah akan ikan tersebut " ini adalah pantai Rantau Abang, di daratan sana adanya sebuah taman yang cukup indah", mendengar akan kata-kata si ikan buntal itu, maka ke 2ekor penyu tersebut ingin pergi melihat taman tersebut.
Di dalam perjalanan tersebut, terjumpalah akan penyu tersebut dengan seekor ketam angin, berkata si ketam angin, " kemanakah kamu mahu pergi?", jawab si penyu " ke taman yang indah, di daratan", mendengar akan perkara itu, si ketam berkata, " jangan kau minum air di taman itu". 

 Mendengar akan kata-kata si ketam, si penyu betina mengajak si penyu jantan balik semula ke laut, tetapi si penyu jantan enggan, dan pergi juga ke taman tersebut. Sampainya si penyu jantan ke taman tersebut, dahagalah akan ia, maka tanpa berlengah terus meminum air ditaman itu, secara tiba-tiba mata si penyu jantan berpinar-pinar, dan badannya enjadi keras sehingga tidaklah bergerak akan ia.

Si penyu betina menunggu akan kepulangan si penyu jantan, ia berjalan-jalan mencari sipenyu jantan, sangkanya si penyu jantan telah kembali ke laut. si penyu betina menunggu akan si penyu jantan kembali, tetapi tetap tidak muncul jua. Sehingganlah sampainya si penyu betina ke bukit che hawa, menunggulah akan ia si penyu jantan sehingga menjadi batu.
Macam tidak ada benda lain hendak makan, telur penyu pun jadi hidangan! Sebelum ini penggemar telur penyu dikatakan mengambil tiga atau empat biji sekali makan, berbanding telur ayam hanya sebiji atau dua biji.

Isu ancaman terhadap penyu, tidak boleh dipandang mudah kerana terdapat kes penyu mati akibat tersangkut pada mata kail pancing yang digunakan oleh nelayan.

Perkara-perkara begini telah menjejaskan pendaratan penyu ke  Pantai Rantau Abang, dan secara tak lansung telah menjejaskan kemajuan ekonomi di kawasan tersebut.

Pelbagai program telah dijalankan bagi memastikan kesinambungan ekosistem ini terus terpelihara, tetapi apa yang penting adalah, kita sebagai manusia yang mendiami dunia ini haruslah bersama-sama menjaga ciptaan tuhan yang maha esa.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sambungan dari gambar pendakian di Gunung Chemerong yang terletak di kawasan Pasir Raja, Daerah Dungun.

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KARNIVAL CANDAT SANTAI HARIAN METRO 2010, bakal diadakan di daerah Dungun bermula dari 1 Mei 2010 sehingga 2 Mei 2010.
karnival ini bakal diserikan dengan, acara-acara mini karnival.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Program pendakian gunung chemerong dan berembun, di Dungun Terengganu darul iman. Para perserta terdiri daripada pelajar-pelajar Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, dengan diiringi oleh jurulatih-jurulatih terlatih dari TAMT Training and Management.